Join our Team (Temporarily Guest Access)

Want to join the ThreadXP team? Fill out the form below and send it our way! We'll review all applications on a weekly basis and get back to you with feedback - successful or not. If you're passionate about forums, love engaging about different subjects and want to be part of a unique experience, we want to hear from you! We're excited to welcome enthusiastic individuals to our team and continue building ThreadXP as an exceptional space for engaging discussions.
Please also list current and old forums where you are staff at.
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By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your information will be reviewed by our moderation team. Submission of this form does not guarantee being accepted as staff on ThreadXP. If accepted, you agree to abide by our community guidelines and contribute positively to the ThreadXP community.

Thank you for your interest in ThreadXP! We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you into our team.